- Were they in collusion? 她们在狼狈为奸吗?
- Be they in the lab this morning? 他们今天早上在实验室吗?
- Are they in favour of her suggestion? 他们赞成她的建议么?
- What row are they in, do you know? 你知道他们坐在哪一排吗?
- More important,are they in the interests of the nation? 更重要的是,这些观点是否符合国家的利益?
- These shawls. How much are they in American dollars? 那些披肩,它们多少美元一条?
- If the melodies are tonal, are they in the major, or minor mode? 如果是音调的,它们是大调模式还是小调模式?
- More important, are they in the interests of the nation? 更重要的是,这些观点是否符合国家的利益?
- They were in collusion and attempted to retract their testimony. 这些人相互串供, 企图推翻原先的供词。
- There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous. 他们在那里大大的害怕,因为神在义人的族类中。
- A safe place. “Were they in GIC or bonds?” asked the Staff lawyer from OSC. 安全的地方。证监会律师问道:“是投资于定期存款还是债券?”
- They were in collusion and swindled people out of their money. 他们穿连裆裤, 诈人钱财。
- She acted in collusion with the other witness. 她与另一证人串通一气。
- They acted in collusion with corrupt officials. 他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。
- The changes that went on were very considerable indeed, but they were not sudden nor were they in any sense reversals of the general process. 世上发生的变化确实很可观,但是并不突然,并且在任何意义上都不是一般过程的倒转。
- Hitler must have assumed that we were all in collusion. 希特勒必定猜到我们是串通好了的。
- The police were operating in collusion with the drug dealers. 警察与毒品贩子内外勾结。
- These cakes are immune against pressure, cold, sunshine, or moldiness, be they in a cart, on a horseback, or in a bag. 它的特点是不怕挤压,不怕冷冻,不怕日晒,不发霉变质,装在车上,驮在马背上,放在褡裢里都行。
- The officials are in collusion with the criminals. 官员们与罪犯勾结。
- They are in collusion with one another for schemes and intrigues. 他们串通一气, 搞阴谋诡计。